
Reformulation of the Public Policy on Disability in Bogotá




City of Bogota

Type of experience

participatory planning diagonisis space/workshop...


social inclusion accessibility/functional diversity civic responsibility human rights


SDG 8 SDG 10 SDG 11

The City of Bogotá organized a participatory process in 2020 to reformulate the municipality's public policy on disability.


The objective of this exercise was to consolidate a social model of rights that provides greater guarantees and benefits to this population in order to make Bogotá a more inclusive city in which the rights, interests and needs of all persons with disabilities are guaranteed.


869 people with disabilities, caregivers, family members and citizens in general registered to participate in the reformulation of the Public Policy on Disability.


In 2020, the Municipality of Bogota, through the Institute of Participation and Community Action (Idpac) and the Technical Committee on Disability, carried out a citizen participation process for the reformulation of the district disability policy. The policy adopted in 2007 has guaranteed the mechanisms, means and tools for the participation, information, consultation and advocacy of people with disabilities in Bogotá.



The participatory process was structured in three main elements: a Roundtable for Consultation and Advocacy, five Working Groups and four thematic surveys. For this purpose, a previous readiness exercise and 2 phases were carried out, which were implemented during 3 months.


The "Mesa de Concertación e Incidencia" (Roundtable for Consultation and Advocacy) worked as a space for dialogue and exchange to energize the information, consultation and consensus-building exercises, making it possible to establish agreements with the Technical Reformulation Team required for the reformulation of the District Public Policy on Disability.


This "roundtable" was made up of 29 members:


- Three representatives of civil society who were elected through a participatory process.

- Seven representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities to the District Disability Council.

- Five delegates from the Working Groups (one per group).

- Five delegates from the District Disability Board and Network.

- Two representatives of sports clubs.

- Two representatives of IDPAC - Subdirección de Fortalecimiento de la Organización Social (SFOS) - Disability Group.

- A representative of the Women's Network.

- A representative of the District Technical Secretariat on Disability.

- A delegate from the Local Technical Secretariats.

- A delegate from the District Planning Secretariat.

- A delegate from the Public Prosecutor's Office (Personería).


The working groups processed the documents, surveys and other inputs provided by the Mesa de Concertación e Incidencia, having a multiplying effect in terms of dissemination. In addition, they had to collect the contributions and consultations developed to return them to the Table, which, in turn, conducted the necessary dialogues with the Technical Reformulation Team, which is a commission established by the District Technical Committee on Disability.

A total of five working groups organized according to the different localities that make up Bogota have been set up..

Each working group was made up of 21 members:

  • Four delegates from the Local Disability Councils
  • One delegate from the Technical Secretariats of the Local Disability Councils
  • Four delegates from the Local Planning Councils
  • Five leaders and representatives of organizations of persons with disabilities
  • Three representatives of family members and caregivers
  • Four delegates from the Planning Office of the Local Mayors' Offices.

869 people with disabilities, caregivers, family members and citizens in general registered to participate in the reformulation of the Public Policy on Disability. You can find more information about the composition of the roundtable and the working groups in this link.



Finally, four surveys were opened in virtual forms so that people related to disability issues could answer the questions and leave their contributions. 


Survey 1 - Inquired about aspects related to the physical environment, the risks they face when moving around the city, cultural activities, health services and programs, and access to information, among others.


Survey 2 - The topics consulted in the second survey had to do with access to employment, labor guarantees, inclusion in educational environments, pedagogical tools and productive alternatives for rural women.


Surveys 3 and 4 - The third and fourth questionnaires sought to obtain information related to discriminatory acts, domestic violence, health route, identification of the profile of caregivers, access to justice, legal guidance and basic needs of people with disabilities.


Sources of information (In Spanish)


Noticia del Idpac del lanzamiento del proceso participativo 

Noticia sobre el avance del proceso 

Noticia de la Secretaría Distrital de Planeación 

Noticia de la Secretaría Distrital de Gobierno 

Decreto 470 de 2007 de la Alcaldía Mayor de Bogotá "Por el cual se adopta la Política Pública de Discapacidad para el Distrito Capital"