
Let's Change for 2030 Climate Plan - Barcelona



Initial date


Final date


Type of experience

participatory planning diagonisis space/workshop...


mobility urban planning environment and climate action local development civic responsibility


SDG 3 SDG 11 SDG 13 SDG 15

The Plan Cambiemos por el Clima 2030 - Barcelona (Let's Change for 2030 Climate Plan) aims to promote changes in the dominant culture and help develop and spread a new culture of sustainability that intensifies climate action in the city of Barcelona. The Plan aims to initiate and facilitate processes aimed at empowering people to participate in imagining how to improve their environment and to make it possible, with involvement in concrete projects of social transformation.


The aim is that in the city of Barcelona of 2030 the citizens will be co-responsible and co-protagonists of the social transformation necessary to face the global crisis, including the climate emergency, understand the dimension of the challenge and have the tools and the courage to face it.


Specific objectives:

  • To significantly increase social awareness of the global crisis facing the Planet and the need for new values and lifestyles to address and reverse it.
  • To increase the critical mass of agents and people in the city committed to the culture of sustainability and climate emergency.
  • Promote sustainable and decarbonising lifestyles in households and a more conscious and direct relationship with nature.
  • Impregnate the culture and art programmed in the city with ideas and contents on socio-environmental and climate crisis.
  • Consolidate centres of reference where opportunities for change and alternative spaces where social transformation in favour of sustainability are visualised.
  • Promote and amplify the work of the "allied" agents of the Barcelona + Sustainable network, strengthening the capacity of educators and promoters of cultural change.
  • Consolidate education for sustainability and climate action in all the city's educational centres.
  •  Increase the visibility of the climate emergency on the municipal agenda (political, media, cultural, educational), ensuring coherence between sustainability and climate policies and cultural and educational policies.


The preliminary document of the Let's Change for 2030 Climate Plan proposes several lines of action that are grouped into 5 areas of intervention. Each action line will be deployed with different actions and projects. The 5 areas under which the lines of action are grouped, refer to groups and individuals with whom they want to work and which it is important  to support.


1. The City Council itself

Barcelona City Council is a complex organisation with 13,000 employees. Through the City Council + Sustainable Programme (A+S), the council works transversally throughout the organisation (areas, districts and municipal institutes) to lead change by example. This area of intervention is committed to consolidating and strengthening this programme and thus multiplying its action. It is also necessary to reinforce internal coordination with various strategic areas (in particular with the 2030 Agenda) to jointly plan and implement projects and actions to promote a culture of sustainability.

2. The "allied" agents (who are, above all, the members of the Barcelona network)

The more than 1,800 organisations in the Barcelona + Sustainable Barcelona network (associations, companies, trade unions, guilds, universities, schools, etc.) are key allies for extending the culture of sustainability in their sphere of influence and for scaling up and multiplying the successful experiences of these pioneering organisations in the city. This area of intervention aims to enhance this collective participation that acts as an engine of change, improving the opportunities for meeting and working together among allies, and strengthening their capacity for transformative action.

3. Individuals and groups who have already become aware of the need for change

Beyond the network of allies, there is a growing group of individuals, families and groups who have become aware of the need for change and who, from their sphere of action (domestic, professional, associative, community, leisure, etc.), participate in more or less ambitious transformational initiatives. The Plan must continue to stimulate this group of aware and active people, empowering them and offering them opportunities and support to enhance the multiplier effect of their commitment and involvement.

4. Groups and individuals who are still oblivious to the challenges of the climate emergency

There are still a significant number of groups and a large segment of citizens who are unaware of the challenges posed by the climate emergency and the global crisis, often due to a lack of knowledge. It is therefore necessary to deploy a series of strategies, actions and spaces of an informative nature to raise the awareness of these publics who have little or no motivation, making them connect with the magnitude, urgency and impact of this global crisis on their daily lives. This connection with everyday life (health, food, mobility, security, etc.) is the first step towards more active involvement.

5. The key agents for their capacity to transform and influence society

The culture of sustainability must be cross-cutting and permeate the various spheres of our society: health, culture, education, consumption, leisure, etc. In order to achieve this, we must seek to coordinate with numerous agents (municipal, but also national and international) through stable alliances and joint projects, also managing to optimise the available resources. It is necessary to strengthen existing alliances and create new ones, detecting in each sphere which are the key agents in terms of their capacity to transform and influence society.


To build a culture of sustainability, by putting emerging concepts, words and values into circulation and debate, stimulating and supporting pioneering initiatives that spearhead social transformation, is one of the most important municipal responsibilities.

Tackling the climate crisis, and achieving the objectives planned in various municipal plans (climate emergency, mobility, green and biodiversity, waste, water, etc.), requires many types of measures, but the active role of citizens is essential. It requires knowledge, changes in values, attitudes and habits that also need to be planned and worked on. The culture of sustainability can be understood as the set of knowledge, values and practices that citizens, both individually and collectively, must develop with responsibility, rationality and creativity in order to face socio-environmental problems and defend the basic rights of people within the ecological limits of the planet. Based on internal work and a previous diagnosis, a preliminary proposal for the Plan has been drawn up, which includes a strategic framework (vision and mission, objectives, values and scope) and lines of action grouped into five areas of intervention.



Instruments for the development of the Plan


The Plan foresees a series of cross-cutting instruments that will help to deploy the lines of action of the five areas. These instruments are structured along the following descripted axes. 


Axis 1. Communication 


It is necessary to reach audiences with little or no motivation and the general public by promoting new communication tools and actions, improving existing ones and taking advantage of the growing coverage of environmental issues by the media. Likewise, existing programmes (and new ones to be deployed) must be better disseminated so that they are capable of empowering, motivating and enabling the network of allies and aware and active people.


Axis 2. Municipal Governance 


The implementation and monitoring of this Plan requires coordination of the municipal departments working in these areas and of the active and proactive actors in the city. Governance of the Plan must be promoted to facilitate transversality within the municipal organisation and consultation and coordination with the rest of the city's actors, generating a new working culture based on participation and co-production.


Axis 3. Monitoring and evaluation 


The strategic objectives and lines of action proposed in the Plan must be monitored and the real impact of the actions must be evaluated, as well as their incidence on new policies and strategies for the city. It is important to know and evaluate what works and what needs to be improved. To do this, it is necessary to collect information, reflect on the process and the results, and make decisions aimed at the continuous improvement of the Plan. Monitoring and evaluation are fundamental parts of the educational process as they allow to reflect and learn from experience and, from there, to improve the methodologies used and the results obtained.



Phases of the process :


During the second half of 2020, the drafting team of the Plan, from the Office for Climate Change and Sustainability, prepared a diagnosis of the initial situation that allowed for the identification of potentialities, challenges, limitations and risks.  Other municipal plans were also reviewed to detect planned actions related to the culture of sustainability. Some similar plans from other cities and territories were also consulted in order to extract lessons learned (benchmarking). Finally, a number of experts in education for sustainability were interviewed and made interesting contributions to guide the lines of action of the Climate Change Plan.

All these diagnostic elements have made it possible to draft a preliminary proposal for the Plan.

In this phase, the aim was to make the public aware of the preliminary proposal of the Plan. From this point onwards, comments and validation of the strategic framework and the Plan's lines of action were encouraged in order to put forward proposals for actions that could contribute to achieving the Plan's mission and objectives. Several suggestions were made to the plan:

    • Access to the Strategic Framework section; read the Plan's vision, mission, objectives and lines of action, and raise any amendments and comments you consider appropriate.
    • Contribute proposals for actions through the space provided by the digital participation platform.
    • If the participant is a member of the Barcelona+Sustainable network, he can participate in two online sessions. These sessions are also aimed at collecting proposals for actions.


  • Validation of proposals - 7/8/2021 - 15/9/2021 

Once the citizen proposals have been collected, the viability of the proposals will be assessed by both the municipal technical staff and the Monitoring Commission.

From all the actions proposed in the previous phase, the Plan drafting team will accept those that are technically and economically feasible, and that fit within the scope of the Plan. Of all the actions accepted, during this phase, the aim is to identify the priorities, i.e. the most important or most interesting ones.

  • Return of results - 18/10/2021 - 26/11/2021

A synthesis document of the participatory process with the main conclusions will be generated and published on the platform.

The Climate Change 2030 Plan document (with the contributions of the participatory process incorporated) will be published and submitted for municipal approval.

  • Monitoring of the Plan - 3/1/2022 - 31/12/2030

In this phase, the degree of execution of the planned actions will be reported, as well as any new developments or incidents that may arise.

In addition, the Plan itself will include governance instruments and spaces for monitoring and evaluation.



Sources (in spanish) :