
The city of Montreal adopted its first participatory budgeting for 2020

Montreal initiated democratic experiences in 2019: a pre-budgetary consultation and a participatory budgeting of 10 M$ for 2020.


The approbation of a participatory budgeting for 2020 by the city of Montreal was preceded by a consultation for the elaboration of the general budget of the city. From march to may 2019, the residents were consulted about the allocation of the budget. Many themes were debated, such as the budgetary balance, the inversions in the public infrastructures, the debt administration, the eco taxation and the effects of the property evaluation. 

The budget was then decided in consideration of these recommendations from the consultation, so the budget could take into account the needs of the citizens. 

Montreal's 2020 general budget is the highest the city has approved, with an increase of 8,1% in comparison with last year budget.

With these participatory experiences, the city shows its will to include more its citizens into the making-decision processes and the construction of the future of the city.


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