
Finalists for the 17 IOPD Award

40 of the 149 nominations submitted go through to the final phase for peer review by a jury of experts and an online open vote  


In the first phase of the evaluation of the applications submitted, a group of experts made the selection of the finalist applications according to the quality of the projects and respecting the balance of geographic diversity and size of the cities and territories. Out of the 40 applications qualified for the final phase, 9 are from the Deliberation category, 10 from the Decision category and 21 from the Citizenship category. 

The jury will now evaluate in detail these 40 applications, which will also take part in an open vote through our ParticipateOIDP platform from September 1 to 12. Finally, the jury of experts will decide on the winning entries based on the results of the open vote.

The prizes will be awarded at the 22nd IOPD Conference in Rio de Janeiro from November 6 to 8.


Here you can find the 40 finalist's nominations.


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